Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Girls I love

On my Birthday I had to take a picture of me with my girls!!
These are my Miamaid girls that I had over for a sleepover. So fun!
My little girl that can't watch enough movies! She loves "memo" & "cars"

Brianna loves nutella, and when she eats it on toast...this is what happens! So cute, and of course Daddy was making her laugh. Just wanted to post some pictures of the girls I love! (& Daddy of course =)


Mandy said...

Happy Birthday! I hope it was a great one. Tanner's first favorite movie was Nemo and for a very long time it was Cars when it came out. We even had a Cars themed birthday party for his 4th birthday. If you ever want to do one, I have a Lightning McQueen cake pan if you want to use it. I'd be happy to lend it to you.
What kid doesn't LOVE Nutella??? lol. Now that Tanner has nut allergies to all nuts except peanuts and coconuts, I'm not suppose to give it to him. It's really hard for him, but it's better that he stay alive. Your girls sure are cute!

Dick Family said...

Cute! They sure are little sweethearts! I love to get a picture of the kids on those special days...but somehow they never cooperate...good to see it's not just my family!

Melissa said...

Happy birthday!! the pic of you and your girls is too cute!

Alysha Sladek said...

Happy (belated) Birthday. Cute pictures. There's something about Nemo for kids. I don't know what it is, but they all seem to love it!

Laura Leavitt said...

I love the pictures of Brianna. They cracked me up. Your girls are so cute and look like so much fun. I hope things are going great for you. I agree with Alayna...Nemo is awesome.